A Voyage of Growth and Discovery, 2009
In collaboration with Mike Kelley
Mike Kelley and Michael Smith's feature-length video A Voyage of Growth and Discovery follows the existential journey of Baby ikki over several days at Burning Man, a festival of "radical self-expression.”
Installation: SculptureCenter, Long Island City, New York, 2009; West of Rome, Los Angeles, 2010; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, UK, 2011
Written, Directed, Produced by Mike Kelley, Michael Smith. Featuring: Michael Smith as Baby IKKI. Director of Photography: L. Gabrielle Penabaz. Editor: Molly Fitzjarrald. Music: Mike Kelley, Scott Benzel. Mix: Scott Benzel. Line Producer: L. Gabrielle Penabaz. Production Assistants: Anna Arden McDonald, Malcolm Stuart. Production Manager, Kelley Studio: Mary Clare Stevens. Production Assistant, Kelley Studio: Amy Wong. Production Assistant, Smith Studio: Nina Schwanse. Titles: Ahrum Hong. Still Photography: Malcolm Stuart. Director of Photography, 2nd Unit: Kara Stephens. Assistant Editors: Sasha Freedman, Daniel Horn. Bookkeeper: Kathryn Andrews. Legal Services: Christine Steiner. Voyage of Growth and Discovery Project Development: Sarina Basta. Funding in Part By: West of Rome Public Art, Los Angeles, SculptureCenter, Long Island City, NY. Thanks: Emi Fontana, Founder and Creative Director, West of Rome Public Art; Mary Ceruti, Executive Director, Sculture Center; Joel Singer and The Estate of James Broughton for permission to use audio excerpts from James Broughton's film This Is It; Andy Coolquitt, Bec Stupak, Spike's Vampire Bar, Black Rock City. Additional Music: Flower King of Flies by The Nice.
click here for full video on UBU
click here for info about the “Voyage” exhibition