Government Approved Home Fallout Shelter/Snack Bar, 1983/2023

The Government Approved Home Fallout Shelter/Snack Bar installation is based on an actual plan that was still being distributed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1983. The absurdity of the plan is underscored by the seriousness of cold war politics and discussion around the threat of arms proliferation and impending nuclear war.

Props and theatrical elements, furnishings, equipment, lighting, video game wit purpose-built video booth, painted hardboard, sketches and plans, standard-definition video (color, sound; 24:10 min.), and seven pencil drawings on paper. Overall dimensions variable.

Photos: Kevin Noble

Original installation design by Alan Herman; Drawings in collaboration with Howard Mandel; Video game production and graphics by Dov Jacobson, restoration by Paul Slocum programming by Reza Keshavarz, sound by A. Leroy, cabinet design by Alan Herman. 

Goverment Approved Home Fallout Shelter/Snack Bar is in the permanent collection of MoMA, New York.
